All posts tagged "opi"
Cecilia | October 12, 2015
Fall Nail Polish Essentials
Every season, I have a couple of nail polishes I can’t do without. So if summer is all...
Cecilia | October 7, 2015
Fall Nail Art: Rainy Days Manicure
I just love rainy days. Not! Trying to see the silver lining in this puddle of a situation,...
Cecilia | September 20, 2015
Fall Colors Nails
With the certified arrival of fall not only we part with our beloved summer sandals but also with...
Cecilia | September 2, 2015
Colorful Marbled & Flowers Nails
September, huh? Well, what do you know – I’m not ready to let go of Summer! Summer nails...
Cecilia | August 21, 2015
Summer To Fall Transition Nail Art
We’ve had a couple of rainy days that caught me off-guard with bright neon summery nails. I was...
Cecilia | July 28, 2015
Summer Nail Art: Watermelon Glitter Nails
So many flowers, so much summer! Let’s go for fruits break – watermelon nails – would you? Actually,...
Cecilia | July 18, 2015
Fashion Nails: Victoria Beckham Nail Art
Inspiration is like magic: you never know what’s gonna pop up and where from! While looking for some...
Cecilia | July 13, 2015
Summer Nail Art: Lemonade Nails
You know those scorching hot summer days when all you want is to lie by the pool with...
Cecilia | July 6, 2015
Wimbledon Tennis Nails
We’re right in the middle of it: the legendary Wimbledon tennis tournament is in full swing right now...
Cecilia | July 2, 2015
Minions Movie Nails
The Minions are coming! Have you heard? After two highly successful Despicable Me movies, the cute&funny minions get...
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