Nail Art
Movie Nails: Pixar Inside Out Nail Art
Are you one of those who goes out to the movies wearing the movie characters on your nails? I am! And this time, I’ll show you the nails I wore to see Pixar’s new masterpiece: Inside Out!
Because I didn’t know much about the movie (I don’t watch trailers and teasers to preserve the surprise emotion of actually discovering the movie for the first time when I watch it fully), I couldn’t decide about which character to paint so I painted two: Joy and Sadness!
That’s also because I happened to have the right colors to paint both Joy and Sadness! From the very moment I saw the poster announcing Pixar’s upcoming animated adventure, I knew I had to dig out my treasured Zoya Liberty to hairstyle the emotions! And so I did! Zoya Liberty Pixie Dust is the hair to go for Inside Out’s Joy and Sadness!
See also: Chapie movie inspired nail art!
I painted Joy on OPI’s I Can’t Cope-Acabana and Sadness on Zoya Robyn and used my nail art brushes to paint the faces of both emotions. I admit it was a bit tricky, but I tried my best and didn’t worry about the outcome too much as it’s all about emotions, so it’s mainly a personal interpretation of Pixar’s too-brilliant vision!
See also: Penguins of Madagascar nail art!
The combo for Inside Out Joy nails was then completed with the fireworks on her dress painted on the middle fingernail using China Glaze Isle See You Later – it’s a discrete motif, although part of her sparkly personality, it’s a sort of blue takeover. If you think about it, Joy is wearing a green-ish dress with blue fireworks and both she and Sadness have the exact same hair! Also – if you mix a deep blue, like Sadness’ with a bit of yellow, you might achieve the exact nuance of the sweater she’s wearing… Won’t reveal anything else, I don’t want to turn into a spoiler, but do keep those observation in mind when you’re watching Inside Out!
See also: Fashion inspired Dior nail art!
Being a freehand design on both emotions, I think images are worth a thousand descriptive words, so I’ll let the pictures speak for themselves, adding just that: there’s something magic with Pixar! Their movies have shaped my imagination and have voiced my inner child so many times! Their movies have turned the adult that I am completely Inside Out! For two hours (movie + short), Pixar transforms me. And it will transform you, if you let it! I started with my nails… (wink)
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