Nail Art
Halloween Goth Girly Nails
Wherever you’ll turn your head, the chances to miss Halloween bats are just as improbable as missing Halloween pumpkins and yummy pumpkin pies! Fluttery bats, menacing bats, creepy bats spread their wings world wide for the last days and nails of October.
My not so creepy gothic nail art may look (I hope) complicated but it is way easier than expected and (I think) happier than most Halloween nails ^_^ – not to mention I got to use my latest topper obsession (wink)!
As my base color was pink – as I wanted to continue to support (Breast) Cancer Awareness Month, I tried to find something to creep it up a bit. Especially since the name is self-explanatory – Zoya Sweet! A dark, dramatic contrast and a blunt motif can goth up any color, let alone pink! I had to bring on the matte topcoat to dull the shine off so the watercolors/acrylics would catch on the polish surface.
Trimmed down to only a couple of threads, my nail art brush was ready to give its best bat rendition with a drop of black acrylic colors – not too small, hectically flying, my bats were spreading their dark wings, ready to scare off any errant fly in search of a good laugh!
See also: Fall Nails for Rainy Days!
Actually, finishing two nails and looking at my silver-eyed bats, I was so spooked, I needed a distraction. The kind which only glitter can provide! So I randomly (ha! Yeah, right!) picked a glitter topcoat to cover the index and the pinkie fingernails to bring out the fun in this gothic Halloween manicure! The salt and pepper Golden Rose topper is perfect for that task! Fun and pretty, it added exactly what my nails were deeply missing – fun&sparkle!
Halloween is a celebration. Celebrations should be fun, right? And so should these Halloween Goth Girly nails be! Fun, cute, not too scary, not too gore. Lighthearted and pink! Actually, I think I would love myself some pink pumpkins too, what say you? And pink ghosts while we’re at it ^_^
See also: Fall nail polish essentials!