Nail Art
Fall Watercolors Nails
I think I’m having a translucent moment… Something about nail polish that isn’t completely opaque yet still has color keeps enchanting me. I’m well aware I should be trying this with Opi’s Paints collection yet I’m unable to find it – any advice? Or maybe a parallel collection from another brand?
Until I’ll get a hold of the precious translucent ‘Paints’, I’ll just do my own translucent nail polish. How do I do that? Simple: by using clear topcoat and a few drops of solid color nail polish. The yellow you see below is the result of such combo between OPI’s gorgeous yellow I just can’t Copeacabana and a matte topcoat. Oh, yes – I’m also having a matte moment! I think you guess it by now -_^.
How easy are these: Fabulous Fall Nails?
In no particular order, I painted my nails with (translucent) orange – Orly Festival Lights, yellow (the combo described above) and a French manicure base. For the French Base I’m using Orly’s Beverly Hills manicure which has a milky finish. Rose or beige tinted bases work just as fine.
After going through (and liking) all my latest Instagram postings for the proper drying time, reach for your striping tape and some fall colors. -_^
There’s literally no restriction in your colors palette! from orange to purple, green, blue and glitter, whatever fall inspires you! Just a touch of nail color on a sponge dabbed on the nail is enough! I overlapped the colors, adding some glittery brushes here to unify the look.
Get your Halloween nails to the next level with: Fire and Smoke Nails!
For a glam touch, I topcoated with a shimmery lacquer (from Flormar). You can skip the shimmer if you think the colors are enough on themselves! I thought it would make them look more blended, so I went ahead and shimmered them!
For the rest of the nails I pulled on the striping tape to give a slight bent and applied more stripes. Instead of separating them, I choose to intersect them on each of the colored nails. Sealed them with matte topcoat and added a drop of color on the intersection. Ta-daaah!
I often start painting my nails without any plan in the back of my head. I just think about the occasion and let the inspiration hit me. It may take a couple of days, but when it finally hits me, I start painting and composing a coherent nail art.
Are your: Halloween Nails matte or shiny?
Fall is on my mind, clearly – so many colors, such a rich season! I can’t seem to keep my minimalist thoughts together, I keep dreaming in colors! Translucently -_^
Would you wear: Happy Fall Nails?
I wish you all a fabulous fall season, fulfilling and rewarding, colorful and inspiring!
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