
about seasonails editor Hi everyone and welcome to Seasonails!

I’m Cecilia and I love painting my nails so much that I decided to share my passion and all I’ve learned with you so I created this website where I’ll be posting tutorials, tips&tricks to help you find inspiration for that special time when you’re painting your nails. Again! and again…

I’m a reformed nail biter and my nails have traveled a long way of recovery to get where they are now! I actually loved biting and chewing off my nails so much, by the time I was 10, I was having shovels instead of nails! But with perseverance, patience and long years of filing and polishing, my nails finally got to a satisfying shape and length. No more biting for me, thank you! I’ll stick to my transparent lacquer and nails file!

When I was in high school and had absolutely no knowledge about cosmetics and their use (and not even Google was around to help at that time!), I started using white pencils and corrector fluid to make my nails look neat and chic all the time… which usually meant until the first time I washed my hands (when the white crayon would wash off and the corrector fluid would scratch off). Bummer! If I tried layering corrector fluid and lacquer, it would smudge and make me more unhappy than a pair of ill-fitting jeans…

What now?

about French

… the revolutionary idea of solid white polish came to me and an entirely new era begun: the French manicure years! Which lasted about a decade, through high-school years and business school years. A mighty long time, you’d think – but I was getting picky with my polish and got word about long lasting lacquer which enabled me to only polish my nails twice/week. True, I wasn’t the neat freak I am now, nor did my nails soaked in dishes five times a day – I was satisfied with the occasional vacuuming and eating out.

All that changed (and so much more) when I had my first child. Oh, boy! My world turned inside out and then some!

How that reflected on my nails routine? Well, I spent a lot of time in the kitchen, a lot of time in the nursery and when I was not pushing a stroller, I was happily napping – which meant a couple of hours every night or day. Umm… sorry – did I say nails routine? Pfha! What routine? The only routine I knew wore diapers and tantrums every 10 minutes, 24hours a day, 7 days a week, over two years in a row!

But no beauty nap would recover my mashed neurons better than an entire hour with my nail file, acetone and polish! They say a breath of fresh air, I say an acetone-damped cotton! Seriously: I started getting creative with my nails! New polish brands, new polish colors, new manicures – these were the voyages of my enterprising nails! My mission: to explore strange new polishes, to seek out new nails life and new manicure civilizations, to boldly go where none of my nails has gone before! (can you tell I’m a Trekkie already?)

about Galaxy nails

Three kids (and A LOT of nail polishes) later, my free time was nowhere to be seen and I was back to my French Manicure routine. Again for a couple of years, until our fourth kid came along. Our life feels complete (and our house full).

My brain started a slow but steady road to manicure heaven!

…which brings us to present times:

Some two-ish years ago I finally decided to accept what my friends and relatives kept tell me :’you know so much about nails! Your nails look so good and you make all-nails-everything seem to effortless and easy!’ and started seriously exploring the nail polish universe! It also happens that my nails re-awakening was synchronized with a nail art boom worldwide! Everywhere you turned your head… ahem browser, there was a new nail art idea! I was like a kid starring at the candy store windows!

In two years, I found out, learned, tried out so many things with my nails (and new polishes ahem-ahem!), that comparing my now-nails-knowledge to my beginnings-nails-knowledge is like comparing a Ferrari to Flinstone’s car!

To all those who want a Ferarri, I say: dream on!

To all those who want to know way more about nails and the entire nails-verse, I say: stay with me! (Among other things, you’ll also discover there’s a nail polish called Ferrari! Ha!)

about red

You can keep up to date with everything new I post by following Seasonails on:
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hmm… Google Earth, Hawkeye, The NASA shuttle program ?

And, generally, by reading about me in the press!
